
  • Awakening

    What A Love!

    Transformative Moment Experiences: Today a moment came before me from the circle of infinity of time, which revealed to me the mystery of the policy of the universe in a new way of love. How are these moments, and when do these moments come? What happens in these important examples? What kind of moment had this come? When such experiences come to a person in the form of a question, those personal experiences of ours come before us today and show the glory of our identity, because now the demand for exploration and understanding wants to meet us. Amazing moment of transformation: In the blink of an eye, that is,…

  • Awakening

    When Death Becomes the Guru

    When Death Becomes the Guru When I ask myself, what is the past—time or body?Today I am explaining it in another way. By the way, writing was my style of writing; it was my style of writing—today I have written and expressed it from a philosophical point of view. Through questions and answersLike the first question, Reflections on the Existence of Life and Death: Life and death, two fundamental aspects of existence for all of us, often cause deep contemplation. Amidst the journey of life, we encounter moments that inspire us to contemplate the essence of our existence. “That Moment” contains a profound reflection of a man facing the inevitability…

  • Awakening

    A Bright Journey Towards Inner Beauty

    The Essence of Beauty is Self-Appreciation I want to be beautiful; how will I be? How do I have to be beautiful?In a world full of fleeting trends and short-lived ideals, the concept of beauty stands as an unchanging force beyond time and culture, and I have lived and understood this through and through life. I am hungry and thirsty.Deep in this feeling of mine was the search for a beautiful life.Beauty is a concept that captivates our soul and resonates within all of us. From the delicate tangles of nature to the mesmerizing complexity of the human form, beauty manifests itself in infinite ways, each offering us a glimpse…

  • Awakening

    A Bright Journey Towards Inner Beauty!

    The Essence of Beauty is Self-appreciation I want to be beautiful; how will I be? How do I have to be beautiful?In a world full of fleeting trends and short-lived ideals, the concept of beauty stands as an immutable force beyond time and culture, and I too have lived it from across the spectrum of life.Deep in this feeling of mine was the search for a beautiful life.Beauty is a concept that captivates our soul and resonates within all of us. From the delicate intricacies of nature to the mesmerizing complexity of the human form, beauty manifests itself in myriad ways, each offering a glimpse into the deepest depths of…

  • Awakening

    What happens When Existence and Consciousness meet?

    Do Existence and Consciousness meet? My previous question was that- What is the mutual relationship between existence and consciousness?And now my Question is-What happens when existence and consciousness meet?You, what you are reading, listening to – you will feel as if I am diving into the depths of deep philosophical and spiritual concepts regarding existence and consciousness. My explorations touch upon the notions of awareness, the interconnectedness of existence and consciousness and the possibility of new creation or emergence from their absorption into each other.My experience tells you all that when existence and consciousness merge into each other, something new is produced – an “Atom” full of wholeness that leads…

  • Awakening

    A Unique Story of Love for Nature!

    An Intense Exploration of a Love State Love is the most profound and indescribable emotion known to every living being, not just humanity, and transcends boundaries and manifests in innumerable forms. Be it the tender affection shared between partners, the unbreakable bond with family, or the deep appreciation for the natural world around us, one’s life becomes a spectrum of experiences when one becomes a lover, which enriches life. My Experience:As my thinking became deeper, my life also became deeper. This depth of living started taking me into that life—here the color of unity started blooming. ‘Oneness’, that painting made with the colors of the depth of love, which we…

  • Awakening

    Discovering Fulfillment: The Essence of the Death

    A Serene Journey In this enlightening statement, we delve into the profound concept of death and its intrinsic connection to the rhythm of existence. Throughout my life, I’ve sensed a profound connection to the ebb and flow of nature, embracing a poetic essence that seems to underpin existence itself. Join us on a journey of discovery as we explore how surrendering to the gentle rhythms of our existence can lead to effortless fulfillment and joy. I have seen, understood, and recognized that I have always loved flowing, not swimming – perhaps that is Why I reached my destination quickly. Gentle Rhythm of Life Every step of my life will always…

  • Awakening

    The Transformative Spirituality

    The Transformative Power of Spiritual Exploration Transcendence Beyond Worries Only a Transcendental Experience took me beyond my Worries! First of all, we will talk here –   What are transcendental experiences? The best experiences are difficult to explain or define properly, but they can be described. The only difficulty is to understand such experiences. The best experiences are those moments when a person knows himself to be present even in his absence. But because of being absent, one loses one’s sense of self and becomes connected to something bigger, Meaning that one becomes ‘unity’ with something much bigger. The best experiences also have a deeper purpose, I realized.  My life’s…

  • Awakening

    Depth of Consciousness

    This experience of mine today has opened up a deeper dimension of life to me. When I gained the knowledge through experience that “Consciousness has complete control over the Brain.” I started feeling as if the aura of some amazing and supernatural power was spread all around me. I have always been on my own journey, I never got time to listen or read anyone else’s biography. It was only the questions arising in me that took me towards religious books. Today I have heard these words from myself for the first time and today’s newly arisen question has also come to me for the first time. ‘If Consciousness has…

  • Awakening

    When such a Quality becomes a Companion

    When such a Quality becomes a Companion My Writing I have always been honest not only about my mistakes but also about my shortcomings. Describing My life itself has been a guide for me. Only by being conscious of oneself can one attain such qualities. When such a quality becomes a companion, there is no need for any method of meditation.This is an admirable quality. When a person is honest about both his or her mistakes and his or her shortcomings, it shows a high level of self-awareness and integrity. It is essential to recognize areas where we may need improvement, as this allows us to grow and develop as…

  • Awakening

    Bad but Good Life

    Bad but Good Life My Writing Even though I am bad for everyone and may be wrong, I am always good for life; No matter Who’s life that is! Describing This statement of mine reflects a deep reflection on self-worth and the purpose of life unity – How?As:“I am both bad and wrong to everyone”: From this you will realize how I live life from within my own experience. What I am saying is that I am not concerned about anyone’s personal life, I am concerned about the unity of all of us – so that all life can attain happiness. “Just good for life”: Here, I acknowledge a positive…

  • Awakening

    Journey Through Deep Transformation

    Journey through deep Transformation My writing My deep strangeness is coming towards me as if I have gone into some deep death and have to be filled with light. Describing Here I am describing a deep inner experience. This is the last moment of my desire to live, the last moment of my feeling of ending deep-seated aspects of me and going through a very profound vital change. Just as death happens, and that last moment of death, in which A person meets not only his world but himself for the last time. This experience of my going into “deep death”, which I received from the energy spreading all over…