• Meditation

    The Veil of Death: A Guardian of Growth

    Understanding the Paradox: Absence and Presence In the intricate tapestry of existence, the interplay between life and death is a profound enigma that has captivated human consciousness for millennia. The statement, “The ‘I’ is absent, yet I am always with myself,” encapsulates this paradox, highlighting the delicate balance between self-awareness and the transcendence of ego. Here, we delve into the depths of this philosophical conundrum, exploring how life and death coexist in a harmonious dance, enriching our understanding of existence. Embracing the Present Moment: Life’s Constant Companion Life is present, here with me; this simple yet profound assertion emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and presence. By fully engaging with the…

  • Awakening

    What happens When Existence and Consciousness meet?

    Do Existence and Consciousness meet? My previous question was that- What is the mutual relationship between existence and consciousness?And now my Question is-What happens when existence and consciousness meet?You, what you are reading, listening to – you will feel as if I am diving into the depths of deep philosophical and spiritual concepts regarding existence and consciousness. My explorations touch upon the notions of awareness, the interconnectedness of existence and consciousness and the possibility of new creation or emergence from their absorption into each other.My experience tells you all that when existence and consciousness merge into each other, something new is produced – an “Atom” full of wholeness that leads…